Monday, June 7, 2010

Just A Little Unwell

"I'm not crazy...I'm just a little unwell...I know right now you can't tell...but stay awhile and maybe then you'll see a different side of me."

This has been my theme song since it came out. It's by Matchbox 20 back when they were Matchbox 20. It just seem appropriate for my mood today.

I was going to give you my "Expectations beget Disappointment" blog entry that I have had written now for weeks...but my mental state won't allow that today.

The last couple of weeks have been...lets say more stressful than they needed to be with the influx of having to be out dealing with people at work and this week being two year anniversary of my son's death, so even though I have been trying not to focus on my sorrow, it keeps creeping up on me.

After stuffing a whole year and a half and locking it away in my mind. I actually have been doing a lot better the last six months and thought I was going to make it without cracking. I mean shit, I even managed to hold it together when the US Army sent me a Mother's Day card to let me know they were thinking of me. I mean really out of all the fucking public relations shit the military has bombarded me with this one makes me want to punch the person whose fucking idea that was.

So yeah the stress began the day before Mother's Day, and has continued with the desensitized morons I work with, then of course there was Memorial Day, and to be honest I don't expect it to let up until after Father's Day, which was the day the Rangers accompanied my son home.

I wasn't going to work on the 9th...but now I think I will just so I can focus on something else. Gotta try to keep myself in the cage ya know.

So I thought a few photos Franky would be in order this week. If for no other reason than a record of what a waste of humanity any war is. He gave his all at everything he ever did, the world is a lesser a place without him.
He played a mean guitar...Rock On...your Momma loves you:) In memory of Thomas "Franky" Duncan April 13, 1987 - June 09, 2008

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Don't quit your Day Job

That line is from the movie "The Cutting Edge". Ah yes, the ice skating chick flick!
But there were so many other elements to the movie that I could relate to so well.
I am not here to give a review or anything, my mind has just been stuck on a line from the movie "i think so long, and so hard, and its so tiring" all week.
It is an underdog, rise to beat the odds ice skating flick that has a touch of romance mixed, two lost souls on a quest to find themselves storyline. Common theme in the Hollywood Rom Com I know. But the journey and self actualization is what got at me in this movie:)

Most days I feel like a really big cat in a small cage:( A lot like the female character in this movie minus the rich daddy and ice skates! I too have been on quest to find contentment, feeling that life is daunting and unfulfilled.

In my cage I seem to be able to keep my emotions contained.
I am almost afraid to let myself back out into the world. I could end up turning into "Storm" in the X know the one who changes the weather and creates destruction.

Don't laugh now, but these control issues I have are part of how I began writing.
You see in my story I control everything. What happens to my characters, how they feel, how they react, how they change, how they grow, and most of all how the story resolves is left to my discretion! There are no outside influences, no evil fairy, because I refuse to allow that. So I am the master of my world!

But like all humans I have to come back to reality, even though I don't want to. Believe world is such a better place.

Fairy Bubbles and Wishing Creek are like previews, they are creative releases for when I am not writing. I so love making people happy.

So I have been carrying around my unfinished script "The Good Samaritan" for months now trying like hell to muster the creative juice and finish the story. What's sad is the I have it outlined all the way to the end and still can't turn on the sauce...WTH
I scribble, I rip, crumble, throw away...then repeat! In an attempt to save the trees last month I decided to take some of my soap making profit and buy a refurbished lap top off eBay. What can I say...I am cheap, I love the thrill of bidding wars, I buy what I need not bell and whistles okay, so long embarrassing story short, I finally won one and didn't realize the location of the seller who was in Hungry! Shit, I said, yes I said it:)
But as seller myself, who sells internationally, I decided it wasn't a big deal so after making sure the programming was in English, with an approximate 15 day ship time, I paid.

Well enter Evil Fairy...volcano in Iceland. I still don't have my laptop, I am still killing trees, and whats worse I wasn't aware that my Final Draft software takes up as much space as it does, so I don't think I can even use the damn thing even if it arrives. Shit. That 162.00 looks like it would have been much better spent on upgrading my current PC!
I hate little tiny keyboards anyway...this will most likely show up as a blog topic.

So I know I am a few days late posting. It has been a long ass week, I have had to work, lots of bad Etsy drama going on, lots of trying to do script writing, and generally me just wanting to be in the cage!

Two hours to go. I do most of my writing longhand, while working my other job.
I can't wait to get home and strip off the uniform, I am so uncomfortable, probably the only thing that's keeping me awake.'s a tidbit for you first script "State School Road" was written 90% on the back of work forms on the night shift! No shit...till next time, peace everyone:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Do ya you Really Wanna?"

he he he that line is from the movie Lethal Weapon btw:)- I chose it because I have been pondering for days now on the type of topics I should write about on my blog. I have researched other small business blogs, and talked to a few owners who claim my blog should be a marketing tool about my bath and beauty products. And they say I should do an occasional "giveaway" to incise more readers (followers) and such.
Hmmmmm...I have to disagree, besides it doesn't go with my blog title. This is not to say that i will not from time to time discuss my how I make my products, or that I will never do a "giveaway". I am just saying that I don't believe that it should be my only focus. There is much more to me than my magical little soap shop.

To fully understand you must get to know the "other me's". This is not a easy task since I am for the most part a very private person....but I will try:)

There is the middle aged "I am not quite sure I wanna"
Who has, against many odds managed to raise three decent human beings, and lost one (my darling Frankie in 2008 in Iraq), I am just now getting to the point I can actually verbalize that sentence with out cracking. I have worked my ass off for every step I have gained, and even though I am is extremely disappointed in the world today I still work hard. I will admit on most days I really don't want to get out of bed anymore:( But then the sweet fairy mostly masquerading as my hubby says I love you, you can do this, and then I think of my grand babies smiles.
So I get up and push on...

Then there is the working professional me who commutes daily...ever so wanting to bash some one's head in with their silly little cell phones!
I work long long hours in a uniformed law enforcement environment doing shift work with some of the most disagreeable, negative, self absorbed, anal people on the face of this planet. And all day long I am the best actress in the's the only way I can stay sane.

The Fairy Bubbles me who while in my own little world likes to make things beautiful.

Here, I am the one who gets to make people feel good. Yes, people it not all about money. I actually get off making others happy. I like to envision them opening up that jar of Fairy Whip and sniffing and sighing, ahhhhhhhh, and a great big smile crossing their face. It really does make my day:)

Sister of the Fairy Bubbles me is Wishing Creek. Who actually was born first, even though its not as popular. I crochet, embroidery, glass etch, wood burn, and do leather craft. I have always done some sort of craft for as long as I can remember, I have only began selling it over the last five years when I ran out of room to store it all. I moved back home around that time to be closer to my folks who are aging at alarming rate. My Mom, who has a craft storage problem too...she makes quilts, knits, and does that fancy thread crochet for which I have no patience!
Also one of my daughters lives near me and she since was tainted by us early on...she loves to design clothes and handbags. So it was clear we needed to combine forces, we did, and Wishing Creek was born. Little did we know, little do we still know about online business.

But several of these me's wouldn't exist with out the WRITER me.

Yes, people if that major studio calls with any kind of deal I am so outta of here!
I do crafts when I am on writers block. Honestly. I have been on a block now for about five years now. Major life changes, loss, depression, hardship...a real life friggin tragedy has been going on. I was writing page 80 of of "The Good Samaritan" when the Evil Fairy finally concluded that I was getting to good at ducking the usual crap she liked to throw at me, and not playing fair she hooked up with Kali the goddess of destruction, and they have been trying like hell to make me cave and come over to the dark side. Hiya....never gonna happen. Not only do I have a secret weapon (the Good Fairy), I also come from hard working, hard headed, stubborn Norwegian stock! I never give up, I never give in, of course unless I want to:)

This is not the last time you will hear the term Evil Fairy. She has been a thorn in my side, a pain in my ass, the dark cloud looming above me, for as long as I can remember.

This might be a good time to suggest to the viewing audience that I often use profanity, strikingly obnoxious comments, and sometimes when angry I can be outright crude. I am opinionated. It is more than likely that my views on any subject matter concerning war, religion and/or politics (please note the and/or was intentional), child rearing, fashion, art, literary arts, movies, hair, driving, and really any other topics will probably piss people off. So it's best to leave it alone, and if I am writing about it and it bothers you please leave, no is forcing you to read my crap. If that could actually be done I would be a screenwriter at a studio by now:)

So there you have Fairy Whispers will be whatever I want to talk about with a few products thrown in every once in a while:) But it's not a product blog. I will most likely do this as weekly thang since I am very limited on time. I like the movie quotes titles so I just might stick with that too:)

Koo toes to those who stuck around to the end. Peace:)

Friday, April 23, 2010


Just testing...learning how the nuts and bolts work.

First and second photos are of my Fairy Whip (whipped soap) this one is Pillow Mint...a combination of Chocolate and Peppermint (essential oil) it is for lack of a better word just WOW!

The third here is a project bag made by my daughter, and can be found at

Okay lets see what this looks like:)-